Friday, January 05, 2007

Read (and drink) and learn.

I'm a sucker for books. I love the feel of paper and the weight of them in my hands. You can't cozy up with a computer, can you?

In my quest for wine knowledge, I've found some good books—many of them aimed at the novice. Then there are the big, weight lifting editions for the serious oenophiles, like Jancis Robinson's books. Definitely worth a read.

If you want something a little simpler, here are a few to check out:

I don't know much about wine...but I know what I like by Simon Woods
The Everything Wine Book, 2nd Ed. by Barbara Nowak & Beverly Wichman
Wine Genius by Janice Fuhrman

These books have surprisingly good info and are easy and fun to read.

There are tons of wine books, websites and columns out there. Take advantage of them and soak up the knowledge while you sip a glass of wine.

The only drawback is that the more you learn and the more advanced your sense of smell and taste become, the better the wines you want. That can mean big bucks spent on booze. Don't say I didn't warn you. Sometimes ignorance is (financial) bliss.

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