Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Cheap White Aussie

Hardys Stamp of Australia Chardonnay Semillon 2005
Thomas Hardy & Sons
South Eastern Australia
$10/750 ml
Serve chilled (but not too cold!)

Crisp and dry, this citrusy white blend is an enjoyable sipper. It has a citrus and tropical fruit nose that foreshadows the flavours to come. This medium-bodied, pale yellow wine is aromatic and flavourful (citrus, melon, pear, peach), with a nice warm spice. Also, it has a hint of oak. Though clean and crisp from being aged in stainless steel tanks, the “light oak influence” (probably oak chips) adds to the overall flavour.

I found this wine best served on the warmer side, though still chilled. If it’s too cold the flavours are masked. As it warms in the glass, it mellows and gets smoother, as the acidity is a bit sharp when it’s too cold.

Look for the replica 1937 Australian postage stamp on the bottle and try it for yourself. Tasty and cheap—you can’t go wrong for ten bucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've admired their lables in the past, now maybe I'll buy the wine...

4:39 PM  

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